Nurture & grow your website’s leads!
Turn your Notion account into a web integrated CRM with lead scoring and marketing automation with MeshiCRM.
Turn your Notion account into a web integrated CRM with lead scoring and marketing automation with MeshiCRM.
MeshiCRM provides everything you need to be able to start capturing and scoring your leads in Notion quickly and easily!
Works with almost any website. So long as you're able to add MeshiCRM's data capture snippet, you're good to go!
MeshiCRM provides everything you need to be able to start capturing leads right away.
Easily customize your current Notion CRM database to be able to capture lead data.
See where your leads are spending most of their time on your website and what they have to say about it.
Automatically rank your users based on how they're interacting with your website.
Do all of this, right now, for free!